DMV/VERIFI Tip of the Week, #103
Date: 1/20
Chapter 580 of the Laws of 2021 - Additional Equipment Requirement for Used Vehicle Inflatable Restraint System
Additional Equipment Requirement for Used Motor Vehicles Sold at Retail (Inflatable Restraint System)
Effective February 5, 2022, Chapter 580 of the Laws of 2021 amends section 417 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law (VTL) and adds section 419-a to the VTL regarding an additional certification and equipment requirement for used motor vehicles sold at retail.
VTL section 419-a now requires all used motor vehicles sold at retail to be equipped with an operational inflatable restraint system (air bags) which conforms to the applicable federal motor vehicle safety standard (49 CFR 571.208) that was in effect on the date of manufacture. The air bag readiness indicator light must illuminate momentarily as the vehicle is being powered up and must not remain illuminated nor flash intermittently while the vehicle is being driven.
VTL section 417 now requires the invoice or bill of sale for all used motor vehicles sold at retail to contain the following statement: “The dealer named above further certifies that this vehicle complies with the inflatable restraint system requirements found in section 419-a of New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law.” This statement must: (1) be of the same color, size and font as the used vehicle certification statement; and, (2) immediately follow the used vehicle certification statement.
If you have any questions regarding these changes to the VTL, please contact the Technical Services Unit by telephone at (518) 474-5282 (select option #4).
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