Here's the response from DMV -
A dealer can acquire a vehicle with 907A as proof of ownership, when the dealer sells it they must issue an MV-50 (either wholesale or retail) which counts as a sale towards the total amount of vehicles sold. Basically the count of 907A’s is irrelevant if the dealer is following regulation.
Controlling regs:
78.45(a) If a dealer is selling a junk motor vehicle to another dealer, a registered vehicle dismantler or a certified scrap processor, he shall give such purchaser an MV-50 marked "wholesale" along with the proof of ownership.
78.45(c) The dealer shall give the retail customer form MV-50, the proof of ownership and a copy of the Customer's Declaration. For a non-titled vehicle, the proof of ownership is a transferable registration. For a titled vehicle declared junk, the proof of ownership is form MV-907A (entitled Salvage Certificate). The dealer shall not issue an MV-TCR. This form must be marked "VOID" and left attached to the MV-50. The dealer shall not apply for a title or registration on the customer's behalf.
1 comment
Do I need to enter the secure paper MV-50 information into VERIFI for mv907 retail sale
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